Obedience to Authorities
(Extracted from Sunday Sermon on 04.10.2015)
The pastor stressed the fact that the zomis should remember their numerical inferiority while going ahead with their indeavours in things like politics. Zomis are tribes and harbouring hopes of becoming a great nation, which they are not yet.
Amid the turmoil in Manipur with repercussions elsewhere throughout the country and even in New York in the wake of the passage of the 3 Land Bills in Manipur Assembly on the 31st August, 2015 and the ensuing violence and bloodshed, the pastor recalled the Divine Right Theory of Kings as written in the Romans 13:1-7.
Hence the Parliamentarians and legislators are servants of God.
The Sadducees who had command over the temples during the Roman rule of Israel, accepted the colonial rule and caused the ire of the zealots like the Pharisees.
Thus the Holy Bible has recommended submission to the governing authorities who are established/ordained by God. By that logic, rebellion is not between human beings but rebellion against God which attracts judgement.
However, two instances of disobedience of the authorities are recorded in the Bible:
(i) Healing of the lame beggar by Peter and John by saying "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" (KJV) They were told to shut up about the miracle. But Peter and John replied, "Which is right in God's eyes: to listen to you, or to Him? You be the judges!"
(ii) Daniel, one of the three administrators under king Darius of Babylon, distinguished himself over his colleagues. Eventually the king appointed Daniel to rule over the entire 120 satraps which made other two administrators jealous of Daniel. They convinced the King to issue an edict that all prayers should be made to the king and no other gods. Daniel on hearing the news, went home, opened his windows towards Jerusalem. Three time a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to God, just as he had done before.
Daniel ended up in lion's den where miraculously, he was not bitten.
Coming Sunday 11.10.2015, a discussion on 'Patriotism and the Church' is planned in place of the Bible Study normally held at 9.30 am in the basement of the Church
By- L/Upa Lianpu Tonsing
i/c, Media Team, TBSUC, EBCC Delhi