Congregation Worship | Holy Communion on July 12, 2015

14 July, 2015

July 12, 2015 (Sunday)
EBCC Delhi, Nasirpur (Dwarka)

First Church Service: 11am


A cool and pleasant weather of the day.
To start with, Asst. Pastor Biakson read out the Bible, Isaiah 53:1-6 and a prayer to open the day's Service.

After that, Worship Team took on stage and lead the congregation of praise and worship. Offerings were collected by ushers while praises songs were on; Deacon Damsomthang dedicated the offerings to the Lord.


Pastor Biakson took time to deliver the day’s message. He thank God for giving us a cool weather and a healthy body as a salutation of his speech.
He based his Sermon from the Bible, Mark 14:12-25.


1. The Lord’s Supper. I Cor. 11:20. "When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper."

2. Communion. I Cor. 10: 16-17. Staying together, a holy togetherness.

3. Eucharist (Greek word, meaning gratefulness, thankfulness).

To be Grateful, thankful to God.

It's the last Supper, so it is very important. For instance, if any our relative had his/her last words, we considered it so much important. Likewise, this last Supper is so much important for us as it was the last Supper that the Lord had with His disciple! Lord Jesus urged His disciples to do the Lord's Supper often, so be to us!

Why do we observe Holy Communion?

1. It was instituted by Jesus Christ himself. Mathew 26:26-29.

2. To obey the command of the Lord Jesus. I Cor.11:24.

3. To manifest the lively hope that Christ will come back again. I Cor. 11:26.

4. To spread Christ death and rise up from the death. I Cor. 11:26

Preparation for the Holy Supper. How shall we prepare ourselves?

Mark 14:12-16; Exodus12; I Cor. 11: 17-22

As in the Old Testament, whenever they offered animal to God for remission of their sin, a young blameless sheep was offered. Our Lord Jesus held a Holy Supper with His disciples. In this Holy Supper, it is He who offered His body for the redemption of our sin.

As Peter and John (written in the book of Luke) prepared for the Last Supper, putting away all unclear things from the room, we should also prepared ourselves to have an acceptable Supper. For an acceptable Holy Supper:

i)     We should keep ourselves clean by putting away our sinful behaviour;

ii)    We should ask Lord Jesus' forgiveness for what we had done wrong.

Self examination. Mark14: 17-21; I Cor. 11:27-32.

Lord Jesus gave time to Judas Iscariot to examine himself whether he really did the right thing by betraying and getting Him arrested; yet, Judas did not examine himself and didn't mend his mind. As the Bible (I Cor.11:28) says, "but let a man examine himself....", we should examine ourselves, whether we walk in the ways of the Lord, whether we have a peaceful relation with people as we have the Holy Supper! If there is any unacceptable behaviour in us, we should ask for His forgiveness and return Him.

The precious remembrance of the Lord: Bread and wine (His body and blood) Mark 14:22-24; I Cor. 11:23-25.

Our Lord Jesus suffers for us, a bruised body and an oozing blood to redeem us. We should know His suffering for us and take this Holy Supper. Let us give thank to God for the bread for His body and wine for His blood that He offer for us.

Spreading the word of God: Christ death and the hope of resurrection.

Mark 14:25; I Cor.11:26.

We should bear true witness of the Lord. We hope and live with it that, in our later life, we will be lifted up in heaven to have the Holy Supper together with the children of God.

After this message, Pastor Biakson led the Sacrament Service with Deacons.

As usually done, in order to maintain the sanctity of the Holy Communion, only those who are ‘born-again and already baptised’ should take part in Service. As it is a sacred service, those who are being constraint by the laws of the Church should avoid it.

After the Holy Communion Service, Worship Team led the praises song. Senior Pastor Nenglian close the Church service with a benediction.


Second Church Service: 4pm

At the outset, Asst. Pastor Biakson read out Bible, I Corinthians 11:17-33 and open the Service with prayer.

Worship Team led the congregation in praises songs.

After that, Senior Pastor Nenglian took time to deliver the message and to conduct the Holy Communion Service. He based his sermon on the Bible, I Corinthians 11:17-29.

1. A call to love each other. I Cor. 11:17-22

Apostle Paul scolded Corinthians Church for they didn't love each other even though they have the Holy Supper together. As we have the Holy Supper in the name of the Lord, we should love each other. If we have any negativity that disturbs our relation with people, we should mend it right. We were being redeemed by Lord Jesus with His enormous love. After having this precious love, we are bound to love one another.

2. A call to be disciple. I Cor. 11:23-26.

We are called to spread His death, to be obedient and a disciple of the Lord. Lord Jesus want us to be obedient, to be His disciple. To conduct often the Holy Supper is an obedient of the Lord's word.

3. A call to examine ourself. I Cor. 11:27-29.

As we come together for the Holy Supper, let us examine ourselves; the relation between us and God. We are called to examine ourselves whether we live in the unacceptable behaviour of the Lord. If we do not examine ourselves, we ourselves will be condemned. So, we should examine ourselves as we have the Holy Sacrament.

After the Sermon and Holy Sacrament, Nanakpur Prayer Cell took their time for their special item/number: distributed pen and bookmark to each of the congregation; and a special number, "The Reason I Live is to Worship You", by Mrs. Lunching.

As the last song was led by Worship Team, offering was collected. Elder Thiankhanmuan dedicated the offering to the Lord and a benediction to close the Church Service.


Highlights of Next Sunday, July 19, 2015, programme.
Bible Study Class: 9:30am
Church Service at 11am and 4pm.


By- Khup Phaipi
Content Writer, Media Team

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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