Children's Day | June 14 2015
Sunday Worship Service (14th June 2015)
BCD (Baptist Children Department) Day
Pastor opened the worship service with a prayer.
The congregation was led by the worship team in singing songs of praise followed by a mass prayer and collection of offerings.
Offertory prayer was made by Upa Damsawmthang
The Superintendent of BCD welcomes the congregation with a speech.
Pastor blessed the children of BCD with a prayer
By Pastor H.Biakson
“A Holy Child : Lessons from Daniel and his friends”
Daniel 1:8
“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”
A holy child is one who is distinguished, pure and un-adulterated with worldly pleasures. Separated from his peers by his commitment with God.
Daniel and his friends Sadrach, Mesach and Abednego were Hebrews-a chosen nation set apart by God for his glory ( Dieut 7:6 ). We too are God's chosen nation (1 Peter 2:9 )
And much like Daniel and his friends were prisoners of a foreign nation Babylon, we too are foreigners/ travellers in this world as we are the children of God, our permanent home is in heaven. ( 1 Peter 2:11 )
Though Daniel and his friends may be prisoners of Babylon, the Lord blessed them with knowledge and skill in literature and philosophy. In addition, he gave Daniel skill in interpreting visions and dreams. ( Daniel 1:17 ) . We too are blessed with numerous talents and skills.
The lesson that we must learn from this story is that if you are a christian and resolve to courageously stay holy and committed to God like Daniel and his friends, the Lord will bless you abundantly.
The congregation sang one last song and the worship service was then brought to a close with a benediction by Upa Thiankhanmuan
By- Lal Ngaihte
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