Good Friday 2015 Worship Service

6 April, 2015

GOOD FRIDAY |3rd April 2015|Holy Communion Service

Summer has already begun by the first week of April, we know it’s Good Friday for Christians. It is the day Christ died for sinners on the cross, paid for our sins. A clear sunshine marked the day with all beautiful vibes, the service starts at 11 am, Pastor Nenglian took the stage quoting the verses of Isaiah 53:1-6 and Psalm 100:1-5 followed by opening prayer. The worship team led us in praise and worship and mass prayer, after which the collected offertories were committed to the Lord in prayer by Upa Khamgoupau 


Our Pastor Biakson had a quick review on Palm Sunday sermon where he shared how Jesus wanted us to remember him always and he instructed us not to forget his sufferings.

While he called the BYF for their beautiful choir he highlighted the sufferings of Christ, and that the verses of Isaiah 53 are supposed to be the elegies of the Jews during rapture.

1)LUKE 23:32-34

Christ gave not just his body but also his words for forgiveness to God more than 2000 years ago.

2)LUKE 23:39-43

The first man blasphemed about Christ, but the second man reconciled about his sin. He begged for his kingdom when he comes again. This man really knows about his sins and trust God. We Christians should be aware of our sins like him.

3)JOHN 19:25-27

Jesus admired those women who stood on the feet of cross. Through all the pain and suffering, he still cried for his mother’s heart. In the climax of his pain Jesus still sees your pain, took more notice than his own sufferings.

4) MATTHEW 27:46; MARK 15:34

His relationship with Father the God break for a short time when he was buried under the weight of our sin, He is the God who left his holiness just to save us sinners

5) JOHN 19:28

Jesus endured thirst both physically and emotionally so that we would never thirst again in future

6) JOHN 19:28-30

Jesus has paid the price for our sin. He said “it is finished” before he gave up his spirit.

7) LUKE 23:46

Jesus then committed his spirit in his father’s hand and breathed his last. With all the above points the pastor concluded his sermon.

The local pastor then took over the pulpit for the Holy Communion. He reminded that we Christians partake of the Holy Communion as obedience of Christ, in remembrance of him and that we proclaim the Lord’s death till he come again. With the help of all of our elders the communion was done for the glory of God. With benediction by Pastor Nenglian we call it a day.

May the power of cross heals us and strengthen us forever.


By – Khamboi Singson

Content writer, Media team






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