Congregation Worship: March 22, 2015
WORSHIP SERVICE(s), 22nd March, 2015 (Missions Challenge)
By God's grace, the twin services of the church ( 11am and 3pm) could be continued till today. Unlike other normal Sundays, both the worships today mainly focused on "Missions Motivation". As a starter, the Pastor accompanied by the Worship Team kicked off with an opening prayer followed by Praise And Worship. The songs sung were - " TOUPA ZAW KA BELAMPU", " TUA SISAN", " ITNA SISAN LUANG IN" & " LEITUNG KA EN KIKHENNA LUNGKHAMNA". With mass prayer in between the singspiration, the ushers collected the offertories, which were commited to the Lord in prayer by Elder Biakvel Hauzel.
Siampu Thomte took to the podium along with the other mission committee members. The pledge cards were thus distributed after a motivational prayer by Pastor Nenglian. The former also gave a brief highlight of the Missions Crusade to be held at the EBC Centenary Hall in New Lamka. It is noted that the Local Pastor, The Chairman and The Secretary of the Missions Committee will be representing the EBCC Delhi at the "Missions Crusade" .
This was followed by an introduction of Mr. Yoseph Kim by his own colleague and friend, Pastor Nenglian. Mr. Kim is a Korean self support missionary, who is also an expert on "Family Ministry". He runs his business in China and his vision is to create a " Family Ministry " network worldwide and also expresses his desire to have a good and fruitful relation with EBCC Delhi. Mr. Kim was then presented with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of EBCC Delhi by Elder Damsomthang.
BIBLE VERSE : Jesus did not let him, but said, "Go home to your own friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." - Mark 5:19
"We as Christians have work to do and as a result, we all are missionaries in our own fields. A Christian life should be mission-oriented and is based on faith. A Christian life is about how you give back to the Lord and how you spread the Word of GOD. One does not need to be embodied with particular ability or talent or position to be a missionary. It's all about spreading the joy of the Lord in our lives, as we are, while we can.
1. Ministry to the Lord = WORSHIP
2. Ministry to one another = SERVICE
3. Ministry to the world = WITNESS
With Faith, making a pledge to God is never a trying task. What is given To God never ever goes in vain!!!
Some of the prominent mission fields under EBCC are in Karbi Anglong, Manipur, Arunachal and Nepal. ( 184 missionaries )
EBC HQ MISSIONS BUDGET (2015-2016) for EBCC Delhi:-
10% TITHE = Rs. 6,00,000
TOTAL= Rs. 12,50,000
While some become missionaries by praying at home, church or elsewhere, some go miles to outer areas to spread the Word of God and some make pledge(s). We have the freedom to choose how exactly we want to proclaim the great works done by the Lord for us- and that choice lies with the individual alone."
With a benediction by Pastor Biakson, the first service came to a close.
The second worship service started at 3pm. Opening Prayer, Praise and Worship, Mass Prayer, Offertory and Pledge Card Distribution went on in the same manner as the first service. An offertory prayer by Elder Thangkhosiam was shortly followed by a special number from Munirka Prayer Cell-3. On being given a moment for sharing, Mr.Yoseph Kim took roughly 5-10minutes to talk about himself, his family, and his ministry. The sermon by the Local Pastor commenced, the content of the sermon remained the same as that of the 11a.m service (as already produced above).The Worship Team led the final singspiration and the day's ordinance ended with a benediction by Pastor Nenglian.
May God bless His people. Amen!
By- Sylvia Vungsanmawi
Content writer, Media Team