Congregation Worship | January 11, 2015
The pastor initiated the worship service by reading out Psalm 63:1-4 followed by a prayer. Songs of praise were sung and the offeratory prayer was made by Upa Tuanmuanthang.
Pastor Nenglian delivered a brief report on ‘Christian Core Meeting’ which he attended along with 468 leaders of various churches from all over India. This meeting is organised by the name ‘United Christian prayer for India’ which is a prayer movement for the country at Bangalore from Jan 6 to Jan 8 2015. This movement was started in 2012 under Dr. H.T.Sangliana leadership with the support of the heads of various Christian denominations and it sought to create and build a platform for representation of a Christian voice throughout the nation. The theme for this year was ‘Call to prayer and action to reach the nation’ with the objective- ‘to discuss an executable plan to reach the nation with Gospel of Christ within our lifetime’. The conclusion of the meeting he said is to reach the nation in our lifetime through united prayer and action. The pastor ended his report by praying for the nation.
The pastor introduced the ministry year plan for 2015-2016. Keeping in line with this year’s theme “A family Well Pleasing to the Lord” taken from Colossians 3:18-21, the year plan has been categorised into:-
1) Worship
2) Mission
3) Discipleship
4) Fellowship, and
5) Ministry
WORSHIP (Reference: Matt.4:10; Ps.34:3)
- The worship service is to be held in two shifts; first at 11am and second at 3pm, starting from 15th Feb.
- Emphasis to be give to Worship Team & Music Department. Worship Team Training/Orientation to be done.
- Church choir and BYF choir to be formed
- Families that regularly conduct family worship to be given token of appreciation.
- Sanctity and cleanliness of Church to be maintained.
- Ushering duty to be carried on efficiently.
- BCD Graduation to be held.
- Christmas Carol(in the park) to be organised.
MISSIONS (Reference: Matt.28-19-20)
- Sponsorship for missionaries to be encouraged.
- The budget set by the headquarters is to be met.
- Preaching of the Gospel to be emphasized in and around us, and continued partnership with Moonlight Ministry.
- Missionaries and Missionary Centres residing in and around Delhi are to be visited and encouraged.
- Personal Evangelism pamphlet/ track are to be made in Hindi and English.
- Missionary Day(EBC Hq. Related), Bible Sunday(with various Bible Societies) & Mission Sunday(local missions related) to be held.
- Operation: Youth Family re-union.
- The sick and the destitute to be visited as part of Missions Work.
DISCIPLESHIP (Reference: Col.1:28)
- Bible study class to be started.
- To prioratize biblical texts through sunday school teachings and conducting regular tests and exams.
- Fasting Prayer (on every first Sunday) to continue.
- To strengthen prayer network.
- Married women seminar.
- Married men seminar.
- Young Couple seminar to be held.
- Solfa/Music training to be conducted.
- To conduct various interactive sessions for strengthening and establishment of Christ centred family.
FELLOWSHIP (Reference: Eph.2:19)
- To have departmental joint fellowship/workshop.
- Training Prayer Cell Convenors.
- Crash course training for BCD teachers.
- Interaction session with BCD Senior class.
- To encourage and supervise the initiatives taken by various departments and fellowships.
- To organise Youth Summer Retreat.
- Church elders’ circle’ fellowship to be held as per convenience.
- Praise & Worship Motivation Program.
- Prayer time in honor of elders.
MINISTRY (Reference: Eph.4:12)
- Table Ministry.
- To carry out work of Gospel through media(Website/ & telephone).
- To start a publication based on issues face by Christian families.
- Productively utilising Publications (Dew & Gamchiam, etc) and monitoring its quality.
- To maintain an Annual Report booklet and make Video CD.
- To visit as much prayer cell and area fellowships as possible.
- To prioritise hospitality.
- To conduct joint meetings, seminars, workshop, etc. with other Christian NGOs and Ministries as per convenience.
The pastor emphasized that for the proper growth and strengthening of church’s ministerial work and its members a dedicated effort, priority and importance should be given to these departments. He concluded this with ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’- Galatians 6:9.
The service concluded with a hymn and the benediction pronounced by our newly ordained elder Upa Goukhangin.
Highlight of next Sunday worship service (January 18, 2015)
Welcoming of incoming new Assistant Pastor by the local chairman.
By- Sylvia Tonsing
Content Writer, Media Team