Congregation Worship | July 06, 2014
SUNDAY WORSHIP (6 JULY 2014) – Grace Bible College Day
Worship Programme:-
Phatkhawmna: Worship Team makaih in
Thumkhawmna: Mipi
Special Presentation: GBC Alumni
Thilpiak|Lantu: Upa Thiankhanmuan
Pastoral Prayer: Local Pastor
Thugenna: Pastor Nenglian
Vualzawlna: Upa Damsomthang
The pastor commenced the Sunday worship service with a prayer after reading out Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
The worship team led the congregation in singing hymns; No’n vualzawlna, Van leh lei siamtu and Toupa hoih hi followed by mass prayer.
The offerings that were collected will go to GBC to be used as per the need and requirement of the institute. The offertory prayer was made by Upa Thiankhanmuan .
As it’s done on the first Sunday of every month, Pastoral Prayer was conducted by the Pastor.
On the occasion of GBC Day a special presentation was given by our very own Pastor Assistant Khaikhuphang Naulak who is an alumni of GBC. In his presentation he spoke of the various hardships faced individually by the students who study in GBC. Many of them come from poor and some very poor families. Some of these students have even been ostracized by their own families because of their belief.
But despite their hardships these students through the education and knowledge bestowed upon them by the teachers of Grace Bible College they become Pastors and Evangelists who in their service of the Lord are a blessing to the people wherever they go.
He ended his presentation with a song “Kei kuan khia ning” which he sang himself.
Today’s topic for sermon – “Preservation and Proclamation of Truth” (Thutak Kepbitna leh Puanzakna) has been taken from II Timothy 2:1-2. It is from the same verse that the motto of GBC “Teach, Entrust and Witness” has been taken.
Before proceeding with his sermon Pastor gave a brief history on the origin of Bible which is as such:-
- The word bible comes from the Greek word biblos meaning book
- Bible is a compilation of 66 books which took about 40 chosen men of God around 1600 years to complete.
- All scripture is God-breathed (II Timothy 3:16)
- It was canonized in 180 AD
- There’s nothing wrong in the bible for it is God’s words.
The sermon topic was further divided into three points:-
- Things become possible with the Gospel (v.1)
- Many a people are witness to the truth (v.2a)
- Entrust it to the faithful (v.2b)
The sermon ended with the song “Bible pomkip in” led by the worship team.
Upa Damsomthang closed the worship service with a prayer.
By- Sylvia Tonsing
Media Team