Visit to Nepal Mission Field (4-10 June, 2014)
On June 4, 2014, 9 women and 15 men from EBCC Delhi set out for Nepal. They reached the Nepal Mission Field on June 6, 2014. The exhaustion due to long journey was alleviated by clean air, altitude and the hospitality of the hosts.
Out of the 32 villages where the mission has branched off, the team had the privilege to visit 12 Churches/fellowships
Under the stewardship of Rev. Kamginthang, who runs Grace Orphanage Home (GCH) in Kathmandu, the team enjoyed a comfortable board and lodging. There the team visited NEBCC Church, which is a rented accommodation. The session with GCH children there was a memorable event.
The office of Field Superintendant is at Birtmod is the seat of the Nepal Mission. Rev. Thawndoulian, the incumbent, warmly welcomed them and led them through the 11 fellowships in the vicinity. Local Pastor of EBCC Delhi, V. Nenglian prayed for the the Christians there.
The locals expressed their happiness about the missionary work including the tin sheets supplied by EBCC Delhi 4 years ago for Dharampur NEBCC Church building.
That the letter of encouragement sent by BYF Delhi on the occasion of Missionary Day, 2013 & 2014 had been used by the Holy Spirit to enrich the Missionaries and Christians there was witnessed during the visit.