Mother's Day 2014 @EBCC Delhi
11th May, 2014 ,11.00 am EBCC , Dwarka, New Delhi
Mother is a word that defines love, care, strength and the world to us. The EBCC, Delhi celebrates. It’s a day we give our utmost honors to “MOTHERS”. The tremendous sacrifices “MOTHERS” make often go unappreciated and forgotten.
The Conductor, elder H. Kam Suanthang, begins the service by reading out scriptures taken from Psalms 93:1-5 followed by a prayer, committing the entire service into the mighty hands of God. Then, follows praise and worship led by the Worship team. Worship in offering was also facilitated by the ushers side by side. The Sunday offertory was conducted by Elder T. Kaithang. Elder Damsomthang, Chairman TBSUC, conveyed mothers' Day wishes to all mothers on behalf of the congregation. This was followed by garlanding and gift presentation to all mothers present, by the Baptist Children Department (BCD) and the Baptist Youth Fellowship (BYF) one after another. The Baptist Dorcas Fellowship (BDF) presented a choir, after which a short sharing was made by Mrs. Haumuankim on “ expectations/hopes of mothers(Nute’ lam etna).”
She points out two important points regarding the expectations of mothers. They are –
- expectations/hopes on husband or father
As man/husband is the head of the family and head of the wife, wife expects a lot from the husband and she expects the husband to be the head in flesh and spirit.
2. expectations/hope on children
A mother also have a high expectations and hope from the children right from the time she conceives. She ended the sharing with a positive note that she wants that everything should based on Jesus Christ.
Before he began his sermon the pastor gives a warm welcome to the first timers of Dwarka EBCC.
Gist of the Sermon
The Pastor gives a brief background of how Mother’s Day came into being. Mother’s Day celebration can be traced back to Pagan practices of ancient Greece in honour of Rhea, the mother of gods. It has gone through a lot of changes and names to evolve into the present form. The Pastor also explains why we celebrate Mother’s Day. According to Romans 14:5-8: “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord…..”. Hesaid thatif celebrated, mother’s day should be celebrated with a clear conscience. Biblically, honouring mother( and father) is a commandment made by God in both the Old and New testaments (Deuteronomy 5:16; Ephesians 6:2) and this is not just a mere commandment, it is a commandment which comes with promise.
The beautiful song “Tunnu aw hong it pen ing” - mother how I love you- was presented by the worship team on special request by the Pastor. He urges everyone who still have their mother not to offend or dishonour them.
“To be a mother is a call to suffer”- John Piper
The immeasurable sacrifices mothers make are often taken for granted. Sometimes we are unappreciative and unthankful to our mothers. The Pastor further stated that the sufferings and sacrifices made by mothers will not go in vain.
“There is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood. While women live in homes under many different circumstances-married, single, widowed, or divorced some with children and some without-all are beloved of God, and He has a plan for His righteous daughters to received the highest blessings of eternity” - Elder M. Russell Ballard.
The Pastor stresses on three important characteristics/essence of mother -
1. Helper/assistant/friend (panpihtu) - Gen 2:18
God created Mother (Woman) to be helper of Father (Man) as “ it is not good for man to be alone.” Women are created to meet men’s deficiency. As much as a wife make sacrifices to the husband it would glorify the Lord. WyCliff Commentary defines woman as “one who could share man’s responsibilities, respond to his nature with understanding and love, and wholeheartedly co-operate with him in working out the plan of God.”
2. To multiply (chi tampi suang ding) - Gen 1:28
God gives us a great commission that is to “be fruitful and to increase in number: fill the earth and subdue it…..” This commission is given to both men and women.
3. To be a role model (etton ding) - Deut 4:9; 6:6-7
The bible wants mothers to be a role model with integrity for children. As a child picks up from her mother (parents) so it its necessary for mother (parents) to practiced what she(they) preaches. The role of mother is important in nurturing and teaching for the spiritual well-being of a child.
“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”Deut 4:9
“These commandments that I gave you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and binds them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.”Deut 6:6-7
In conclusion, the Pastor urges mother/wife with blessings to be a backbone of support for the inefficiencies and shortcomings of the husband/father.
At the end of the sermon the prayers for mothers was conducted by the Pastor. This was followed by announcements after which the Worship team led once again. The service ends with a benediction by Elder Khamkhanpau Guite.
Highlights of the next workshop service- 18th May 2014 @11 AM ,EBCC Dwarka
-Pastoral Prayer
-Sunday school --Luke 3-5
By- Biakching, Media Team