Congregation Worship | January 26, 2014

27 January, 2014

Sunday Worship Service, 26th January 2014

Pastor V. Nenglian read out scripture portion taken from Psalm 100. He encouraged the congregation to praise God. Thanking the good Lord for blessing us and giving us the opportunity and privileged of coming into his Holy presence at the National Capital, Delhi, Pastor’ with words of prayer then committed the worship service to God.

The Praise and Worship team led the congregation in Worship to God by singing the hymns:-

1. Ka Toupa Jesu Hondampa

2. Jehovah min I lou den ding

3. Toupa hong bia ing

This was followed by a mass prayer and then singing of the hymn:-

4. Lamet Khawlna Gamnuam

Elder Khamgoupau delivered the offertory prayer.

For the newly inducted members of the Praise and Worship team for the year 2014, Pastor prayed for them and blessed them too. He read out 1 Timothy 6:6. He further explained on the importance of a Worship Team. The members were not the perfect or most qualified one with good music skills, good vocals or singing abilities but they were the one willing to walk the extra miles in leading the Worship Service. He further stated that the team members should watch out themselves and prayed to God so as to be individuals with a highly moral character and presentable to the Holy God. He requested the congregation to remember them in prayers.

Local Secretary Elder Kamsuanthang said a welcome notes and appreciation to the seven newly married couples held in this winter season. He also called out new members to be inducted into the church and Pastor prayed for them.

Today’s we are glad because we had in our midst a man whom God had been using for already 17 years. After being introduced and warmly welcomed by the Pastor, Rev B Chinlamthang who is a missionary with the IEM came to Delhi after giving an entrance exam at SAIACS, gave a brief sharing on his testimony, his works related to the vineyard with Christ and future callings. In his testimony, he described on how God spoke to him in the year 1990 at Khristian Tuailai Pawl Conference (Youth Conference of Evangelical Convention Church at Lamka) and how he offered his life in return. The moment he let God enter his life, it transformed him to a man whose sole purpose became spreading God’s loving message. From the year 1996 he and his family started working under IEM (Indian Evangelical Mission) in spreading the gospel among the Adivasi at Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.

Once God had filled with his redeeming love, his joy could no longer be contain, he could do no less than share it with those who still lived in darkness. Rev B Chinlamthang recounted how difficult and perilous his journey had been, sometimes there is sickness, problems related to financial and so on. Being a missionary is not always what it’s cracked up to be. It is a work related to a cause for faith, where everything goes on slowly, and not according to the fancy of men. He recollected on how painful it is to see his only son sleeping in a cowshed of his neighbor’s because of unavailability of space in the house. Living together with diverse culture, learning their ways of living so as to be fit into their society was not an easy one. When there is a healthy spiritual life, there is a love for the missionary cause. He further stated that God never abandon those who are willing to serve him. God provided them and there is emotional satisfaction. The job may be tough but it is also incredibly fulfilling and rewarding. God blessed him and the number of Christian amongst the Adivasi increase and today they could even govern themselves and have their own Church. And in 2007 he left Jalpaiguri and was based on Guwahati and work in the State between Sikkim, Meghalaya and Assam. He challenges the congregation to come and bear how much then is to take missionary work glorious and precious.

He further narrated on why he wanted to go for further studies, despite his deteriorating health conditions, financial necessity within the family and he was also around the age of 50 years. He wanted to serve the Lord as an International Missionary and had a plan to work in Myanmar. One particular striking one was the answer which he gave to the interviewed board at SAIACS. When he was asked about how he would feel if he were not selected at SAIACS? He replied, “I have been selected by God and was working already 17 years in God Ministry so it is not the problems with SAIACS to select him or not”, he further replied by saying that SAIACS will be contributing a very important role in selecting him in the institutions for his future ministry. As he is not with any agency for his further studies so he requested the congregation to pray for his family and also his future plans for the expansion of God’s Kingdom.

Through the testimony of Rev B Chinlamthang, it is seen that God fulfilled his words to those who thrust him, broke down the apathy and the opposition in numerous direction, and encouraged his servant in widespread interests and much blessings, continuing it further.

Pastor V. Nenglian gave a brief sermon on the importance of worship and its different kinds. The purpose of worship is to glorify, honor, praise, exalt and please God. Worship is more than singing and praising God on Sunday morning. It is about honoring God in everything we do in our lives. The nature of the worship God demands is the prostration of our souls before him. As Jesus said in John 4: 23-24, we need to worship him in spirit and in truth. There are several Biblical examples of worshiping God- how Adam and Eves worshipped God, Cain and Abel worshipped him through offering and sacrifices, worshiping in the desert, in the days of Sabbath, at Temple, Synagogue and within our own house. Only God accept those who worship him in spirit and in truth.

The service ends with the closing song, “Sa in Jesu itna lamdang”, and benediction by the Pastor.

By- Manthianching Guite
Media Team

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Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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