New Year Day @EBCC Delhi

6 January, 2014

New Year, 2014

New Year is a gift from God. God brought us together here for a purpose. None of us imagined these moments. We embrace 2014 and give Glory and Honor to God who has lead us thus far.

The worship service began with the congregation singing the hyms- “Aman honpi ka kipak” led by the worship team. The worship conductor for the New Year programme, Elder Thiankhanmuan read out scripture portion taken from Psalm 90:1-2 and Jude 25. He then with words of prayer committed the congregation and the worship service to God. It was then followed by singing the hyms- “Apostle Creed”, “Vualjawlna ka tan vang in”, “Vualjawlna te’n hon vuk in”, “Toupa honpi dan”. A mass prayer of the congregation was followed by singing the hym, “Jesu neih hinna nuam”. The offertory prayer was said by Elder Tuanmuanthang.

Local Chairman delivered a special New Year message. He greeted the congregation and introduced some of our past achievements and gave Glory to God. He asked God to rain down on us, to rule in our lives, bless us so as to live a longer life and fill us beyond measures. Linda and friends presented a special song. Pastor V.Nenglian greeted the congregation and then gave praises and Glory to God for his acts of Love and Honesty even when we could not thank enough for all his goodness. He says that we should try to know what are the plans and purposes that God set for the year 2014. He committed the congregation with words of prayer so as to lead and guide us throughout the year. Baptist Youth Fellowship and Worship Team of the church presented a melodious song.

Pastor began his sermon with thanks giving to God. He highlighted some of the works that we have done so far that are associated with the Church. He also says that God used people who are busy and who are willing to serve him. He introduced the theme for 2014 that is taken from Mathew 6:10, “Your will be done on Earth”. His sermon was based on Mathew 6:10, Ephesians 5:17, 1 John 2: 17. There are different ways of Knowing God’s will. For examples, Moses and David where chosen by God and he used them beyond their limitations. Samson on the other hand is chosen by God to protect his people against the enemy but he could not fulfill God’s plan in his life which further led to parish along with his enemy.  We should try to understand the will of God. We are not born accidentally but with God’s purposes. God is the witness of everything. In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11 it is written that, “he has made everything beautiful in its time”. So, how are you going to spend the rest of your life? What is the guiding force in your life? Is it the Holy Spirit or your will and desires?

In the 21st century we have the liberty and freedom to express our rights and there is no set rule for God’s will. So, it is our own responsibility to set us free and make ourselves available for God’s will. There are 3 ways of looking at God’s Will-

1. God’s Law:- This is based on a set rule given by God as we have seen in the Old Testament. Do you want to know the will of God? To be able to understand the will of God, you must read the Bible and understand what God wanted to do through and out of you. In Psalm 40:8, “I desire to do your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart”.

2. God’s Perfect Will:- The importance of understanding the perfect will of God is written in 1 Timothy 2:4, “..Who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”. God want us to be saved. God’s perfect will for his creation was to be saved and live forever without sin.

3. God’s Permissive Will:- As written in 1 John 1:19, “ We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” The system of the world is control by the evil. The evil has captured through different ways of our lives. Without divine intervention no one can escape the cycle of temptation, sin and condemnation.

In your life, do you think that God’s perfect will is achieved in and around you? In Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will”. Transformation of our lives through him is what God wanted from us. The best way of understanding God’s will is by:-

1. Reading the Bible

2. Letting ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit (inner conviction/Inner voice)

3. Through circumstances.

Pastor concluded his sermon with words of prayer. The worship team led the congregation in singing the hyms, “Toupa zaw ka Belampu ahi”. Elder Thianzakham concluded the worship service with a prayer.

The New Year celebrations resumed with the congregation singing the traditional yet spiritual songs which is also known as “Lengkhawm”. Elder T.Kaithang led the worship. Among the congregation, Elder T. Dongzathang shared the importance of time and to use it wisely with God’s fearing. He gives examples from Moses, how he asked the presence of God for his life. And he also gave examples from King Hezekiah, King of Judah. God extended King Hezekiah life and extended it to 15 years. It shows that God has mercy and that he listens to the prayers of those who seek him. Elder Ginsianthang narrated how with the grace of God, his disease (cancer) still survive with him.  We should trust and rest on him. He is the living God who is trust worthy. Elder Damsawmthang concluded the worship service with a prayer. This was followed by a dinner on the roof of the church building.

By- Manthianching
Media Team

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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