New Year 2012 Message
New Year 2012 Message: FINDING GOD’S WILL”
Text: Psalm 37:2-7, 90:12
Happy New Year!
It is the will of God that you and me should see this happy new year day of 2012. Our joy is made perfect in the care, protection and guidance of God’s Spirit thus far.
Today, as we begin another year of new life with new hope and new opportunities, I want you all to consider this year to be a Year of Finding God’s Will and Direction in each individual life.
It is the will of God that we go and make disciples from all nations. And, without being faithful disciples, it not going to be possible to make Disciples of Christ from the nations. To be a faithful disciple, one must know the will of his master.
Goodman says, “Christian is one who denounced his own will and submits to the will of God for his life in all what he does.” If so, it is necessary for us to seek the will of God where we would submit our wills.
However, the problem for us lies with how to ascertain the will of God. At the same time, it is a sad fact that the possibility to miss God’s plan is our selfish way to do our own planning.
The condition for God’s guidance is seen in Ps. 37:3-7.
- Trust in the Lord (v. 3)
- Delight in the Lord (v.4)
- Commit thy way unto the Lord (v.5)
- Wait upon the Lord (v.7)
Method of God’s guidance: According to Drummond, some of the methods or modes of God’s guidance are such as through opportunities, circumstances, the wish of parents, the advice of friends, the evaluation of one’s own abilities and the need of the day and conscience.
We should affirmed that God never lead his people apart from His Holy Word written in the Bible. God’s direction and guidance could be obtained only in and through the Scripture/Bible. Through the Scripture the Holy Spirit will give inner conviction, which transcend above the mind, where new inspiration and strength is conceived and executed.
Therefore, as we begin another year of life struggle, let us choose the path of God which is full of blessings and contentment (Deut. 30:11-29). It is my prayer that as you seek the will of God, let His glory and power covers you throughout the year, and let His blessings shower down upon you. Let every circumstance of your life this year brings glory to God. Amen.