Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Bible, and as part of the Universal Christian Church, we commit ourselves to proclaim the Words of God, to teach the Good news, baptize and nurture new believers. The Church is committed to respond to human needs by loving service, to transform the unjust structures and evils of the society, to safeguard the integrity of creation.
To attain its objectives, the Church is involved in evangelism, opening and maintaining churches and Sunday Schools, running educational institutions, rehabilitation centres for victims of substance abuse, support the welfare projects/activities of the State, among others to demonstrate the gospel in words and deeds.
Faith Statement
We believe
- The Holy Bible, consisting of 66 books 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament from Genesis to Revelation, is fully and uniquely inspired Word of God, the only infallible, sufficient, authoritative rule of faith and practice.
- One God eternally existent in three persons God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth by incarnation, His sinless life, His vicarious death on the Cross, His bodily resurrection from death, His Ascension to Heaven, His Intercession and His Personal Return in Power and Glory.
- The Holy Spirit the author of the new birth, the comforter, sanctifier and indwelling in believers by the Spirit.
- That man was created in the image of God; but He fell into sin and thereby incurred not only physical death but also Spiritual death which is a separation from God, that all human beings in consequence of that fall are born with sinful nature.
- Salvation of the lost and sinful man through regeneration by the Holy Spirit and by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
- The bodily resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved, they are saved unto resurrection of eternal life with God, and they are lost unto the resurrection of eternal damnation.
- The Spiritual unity of all believers who comprises the Church, the Body of Christ in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Head.