Holy Communion at EBCC Delhi on May 20 2012
1 Corinthians 11: 23-25
“For I received from the Lord the teaching that I passed on to you: that the Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed, took a piece of bread, gave thanks to God, broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in memory of me.” In the same way, after the supper he took the cup and said “ This cup is God’s new covenant, sealed with my blood. Whenever you drink it, do so in memory of me.”
A lot of time usually before the Lord’s Day, I am tempted to offer many excuses not to go to church, e.g. it is too hot, excuse of my young daughter and so on. However overcoming the temptations and going to church makes me feel on top of the world, I feel as if I have achieve something great. My late father always uses to say that there is no one who will regret going to church. How true!!
This Sunday was the Holy Communion service. The service started with songs and praise followed by mass congregational prayer led by the worship team. Upa (Elder) Langkham prayed and thanked the Lord for the day’s offering. Pastor V Nenglian delivered a beautiful message on the significance and importance of the Holy Communion. He read passages from 1 Corinthians 10: 14-22 to explain to us on how the Holy Communion binds us in spiritual fellowship with Christ. It is to make us realize that partaking of the Holy Communion sets us apart from the non-believers, how pure is our association with God. This day remains us again and again of how Jesus sacrifices his life for us sinners. But at times I wonder are we deserving of this sacrifice. Do we behave and act in the Christian Way of Life, do we keep away from the worship of idols or have we become idolaters, so deep rooted in our worldly life and pleasures that we have forgotten the sacrifice that Christ made for us, Christ have bought us with his own blood, was his sacrifice in vain. Whether we have become a “Sunday Christian” only!
After the message, the pastor and the elders of the church administered the Holy Communion to the congregation present.
The worship service concluded with benediction by the pastor.
After the church service there was Baptism service where three young ladies got baptized from the Pastor.
By- Grace Don Nemlian
Media Team