The Bible mentions, in various occasions, the importance of encouraging each other. In Hebrews 10, the author gives three important exhortations on the basis of the doctrine he had drawn in vv. 1-18. The first exhortation is to draw near to God, which is in v. 22. The second is to hold fast the profession of hope in v.23. And, the third exhortation is to consider one another, which is seen in v. 24.
Now, I want to emphasis on the third exhortation-i.e. to consider how to encourage one another toward love and good deeds.
Let me ask you this, “How do you encourage others toward love?” In other words, “How do you show your love to others?” We can consider how God had shown his love to the world. In the Old Testament, we see that God had shown his love to the Israel people by giving them Kings and Rulers, by bringing them back from exile, by leading them through the pillar of fire and cloud in the desert. But, the people still didn’t understand His love. So, he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ for every one who believes. Giving is one of the best ways to show our love to other people. Again, Abraham shows his love for God by obeying His commands. Yet, obedience is another way of showing our love to other people.
Another way of showing love to other people is to accept them as they are i.e. acceptance. A person’s ability and potential may defer from one another. At the same time, we have different personality. We are brought up in a different and diverse background. So, everyone needs adjustment and acceptance. Your love for others may be well known by the way how you treat them or accept them. God has shown His love by accepting us just as we are. When we are still sinners, He called us through His Son Jesus Christ. So, acceptance is another way of encouraging other people toward love. In the same way, there are various ways of encouraging others toward love.
The second thing is encouraging toward good deeds. Good deeds or good works is always the Gospel of Christ. Apart from the Gospel of Christ there is nothing good. The Gospel of Christ leads on to do good works in the lives of believers. When we participate in the church activity like this, we are propagating the Gospel of Christ, which is the basis of our good works. Moreover, we encourage others when we share the Gospel of Christ to other people. When other believers are being encouraged some non-believers may receive the Gospel of Christ. This is the way how we witness to the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
In v. 25 the author says, “let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.” Here, meeting together could mean either a small group meeting or a corporate worship in the church. It is clear that some members are habituated with the meeting together. What the author would like to say here is that without neglecting such meetings we should encourage each other. This means that meeting together is not the end in itself; all members are to encourage each other toward love and good works.
The Bible teaches us to encourage each other, to build up one another toward love and good works. It is our obligation to show our love and concerns for one another. We don’t have much time because the Day is approaching. So, let us try to understand and accept each other in spite of their limitations and encourage each other by appreciating them.
May God help you all and encourage you through the sharing of His holy word.
Sungji Church, Korea 2008