Dorcas Day 2013 celebrations
Dorcas’ Day- cum- 6th DBF convention: Nang vualzawlna hi in ( a blessing)
Chosen verse: Genesis 12:1-2
Now the Lord said to Abram: ‘Get out of your country, from your kindred and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing’
*This Sunday, being Dorcas’ Day as well as the second day of the 6th Dorcas’ Baptist Fellowship (BDF) Convention for EBCC Delhi, the congregants were greeted by a beautiful display of arts and crafts made by the DBF members. Pretty purses, ornate artificial flowers and beautiful accessories adorned the stall outside the church as the women made a wonderful display of their God-given talents.
The service began with the congregation being led in praise and worship by members of DBF. The crowd lifted their voices in praise, singing the hyms, “Phatna zaila I sa ding”, “Toupa vang kiamlou” and “Jesu Hongpai mateng sem ni”. Nu Ruati gave a warm welcome address on behalf of the DBF and Upa Thianzakham said the offertory prayer.
Nu Chingnu Ngaihte gave a short Dorcas’ Day greetings and gave a brief recapitulation of how DBF was formed by the pioneers and leaders of EBCC (like Siamkung, H. Nengzachin and Tualpum). They founded the Fellowship with a capital of just 5 Rupees. In 2000, with the consent of the Board of Trustees, Dorcas’ Day was celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of January 2001. It is now yet another milestone reached. On this day of the 13th Anniversary of Dorcas’ Day, it will do us well to remember the ideals on which the Dorcas’ Fellowship was first formed. It was meant to uplift the downtrodden and orphans, to do all things in accordance to God’s will and be exemplary of Dorcas mentioned in the Bible. Mary, mother of Jesus was one of the greatest examples of the Dorcas’ founding ideal, she humbly accepted God’s will and gave up her son so that His purpose could be fulfilled. Thus, she became a blessing upon others. Another example is Corrie Ten Bloom who saved as many as 800 Jews from Nazi persecution and went about spreading the gospel in 60 countries across the world. To be a blessing not only to oneself but to others is the greatest purpose of God’s blessing being bestowed upon us.
The service then proceeded to the presentation of the Pastoral gown (black and white) by DBF as a token of their appreciation of his service. The Pastor then prayed for all the Dorcas’ asking God to strengthen them and their purpose. The Dorcas team then recited a verse from Genesis 12:1-3 and presented a beautiful choir.
After the choir, the Pastor began his Dorcas Day sermon. He divided the topic of his sermon into two heads: 1) Vualzawlna hihtheihna ding or the conditions/ criteria for being blessed 2) Vualzawlna hihtheihna ding lampi omte/ ways to be God’s blessing to others.
In Genesis 12:1-3, the Bible clearly states that firstly, one must keep God’s will above one’s, above kindred or nation and above all attachments. The second is to have an everlasting faith in God. As can be seen in the case of Abram who placed his unbreakable trust in the God who promised him the land of his inheritance. To believe without a doubt that the promise is true. Was it a blind faith that made Abram leave everything and set forth for the land that God promised or was it a doubtless clarity that led him on? The third criteria is to walk in faith. Without Christ, there can never be a journey of faith. Abram embarked on a journey with complete faith in God. He did not know where God would lead him, but he had faith that God would lead him. It was faith such as his that brought him to God’s promised land.
Physical ways-
Two excellent examples are the DorCED and Nehemiah Project. The DBF is involved in the DorCED Project through which 61 children within the Church are now receiving much needed financial assistance in their education. The latter, an initiative of the BYF, has now been operating for 5 years and has helped students in remote villages of Churachandpur. When it benefits someone in need, any amount contributed and freely given with the spirit of charity, is never too much nor ever too less. When we selflessly share the blessings God bestows on us with others, then we ourselves become God’s blessing on others. While God paves the way for us to become a blessing upon others, we must be careful not to hinder His plan.
Spiritual ways-
Family is the first institution where a child begins learning. It is the foundation of whatever he will become in life. It therefore, must be a foundation built on faith. We need to live in faith and always ask ourselves what God wants. Are my family and I following the path He set for us? Our children are the Lord’s blessing, gifts He has placed in our safe-keeping. As we instruct our children on what is good and just, what parameters are we using, is it that of God or of Man? We must not fail to instruct them on the principles of faith; to place their trust in God above all else. Have we discussed the truth of salvation and God’s grace with our children? If we have built our lives without God, then it is at our own peril. While His love and mercy are bountiful, how fearsome and formidable is His wrath! Our ancestors’ faith has led us this far, where will ours lead our children? The Pastor concludes his sermon with a prayer.
The service continues with a special number by the participants of the solo competition held the previous day, followed by a brief announcement of information by the Secretary, TBSUC. The BCD then presented all the mothers who attended the day’s service with a special gift and this was followed by another special number by the participants of the duet competition. A brief report and introduction of DBF Executive Members by the Secretary DBF was then followed by a short interlude as the hymn “Mite’n Jesu Nungzuihna” was sung.
The Programme Department of the DBF conducted the prize-distribution. Prizes were handed out for the winner, first runner-up and second runner-up in various competitions like debate, extempore speech, Solo singing competition, duet, arts and craft, group song and bible verse recitation. The DBF also presented a token of appreciation to all the judges, ushers, media and audio teams as well as the care-taker of EBCC Dwarka, all of whom helped to make the Convention a great success. DBF President Nu Mankhodim gave the vote of thanks and the Dorcas’ Day-cum- 6th Annual DBF convention 2013 ends with a closing prayer and benediction by Upa H. Kam Suanthang.
# worship service on the coming Sunday i.e. 11th August, 2013 is going to be a special service to welcome members of the church who have come to Delhi for the first time and registered as associate members of EBCC. Registration can be made online or offline.
By- Kim Guite
Media Team