Congregation Worship | November 11, 2012
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE | November 11, 2012
The worship service started with an invocation by the pastor after which the worship team led the congregation in praising the Lord with hymns. The pastor then led the congregation in mass prayer. Sunday offering was collected and elder Kaithang led the congregation in thanking the Lord for the offering.
EBCC Delhi Choir presented a song which they would be performing at the 1st North East Choir Competition. What a presentation it was .Everyone had great hope for the choir to do well.
The pastors revised Matthew (Chapter 13-28) for the Sunday School Exam. The pastor highlighted some of the significant themes from each chapter.
A brief introduction of the gospel of Matthew was given. Matthew was one of the disciple of Jesus Christ, a tax collector and also known by his other name which was “Levi”. He hails from the town of Capernaum.
Chapter 13: Parable of the sower, Parable of the weeds, Parable of the hidden treasure.
Chapter 14: Death of John the Baptist, feeding of the five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus walks on the water.
Chapter 15: The teaching of the ancestors, the things that make a person unclean, feeding of four thousand with seven loaves of bread and a fish.
Chapter 16: Jesus telling Peter “ You are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven”.
Chapter 17: The transfiguration, Jesus heals a boy with a demon, Jesus speak again of his death.
Chapter 18: Disciples came to Jesus, asking, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom?” Jesus answered the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like a child.
Chapter 19: Jesus teaches about divorce, the rich young man.
Chapter 20: The workers in the vineyard, Jesus speak a third time about his death. A mother’s
(wife of Zebedee) request to Jesus to let her two sons sit at his left and right when he becomes King.
Chapter 21: The triumphant entry into Jerusalem by Jesus.
Chapter 22: The parables of the wedding feast, the question about rising from death, Jesus answer to the Pharisees about the greatest commandment “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with your entire mind”.
Chapter 23: Jesus warns against the teachers of the law and the Pharisees.
Chapter 24: Jesus speaks of the destruction of the temple, no one knowing the day and hour when the Son of Man will come.
Chapter 25: The parable of the ten girls, the parable of the three servants who were given talent.
Chapter 26: The plot against Jesus, Judas agrees to betray Jesus with thirty silver coins, the Lord Supper, denial of Jesus by Peter.
Chapter 27: Jesus is taken to Pilate, the death of Judas, Jesus is sentenced to death, Jesus is Crucified.
Chapter 28: The resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples.
The worship service concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.
After the service, the Sunday school exam was conducted for the adult congregational members of the church.
By- Grace Don Nemching
Media Team