Congregation Worship | December 15, 2013
Sunday Worship Service
December 15, 2013 @ 1100 hrs
EBCC Chapel, Dwarka, Delhi
To starts the Sunday worship service, Local Pastor welcomed the congregation and had opening prayers seeking the Holy spirit’s guidance throughout the worship service. The Praise & Worship Team to lead the congregation in singing hymns of praise. “Na moh puakgik pan”, “Ziing nisuak vak thupi” and “Toupa zaw ka belampu”, were sung as the Worship team led the congregation in a very enthralling tune. Then, mass prayer follow suit. Thereafter, offerings were collected while “Kum mualliam sa…” was sung. Upa B Langkham had offertory prayer.
Local Pastor conducted Dedication of Child to Almighty God. He offered prayer to Mrs & Mr. Jimmy Dalkhanmuan Tonsing’s child. This was followed by “Kumsim Khawmpilian report” by Upa Thiankhanmuan. His reports are briefed hereunder:
Upa Thiankhanmuan reported that 7 delegates (including local pastor) from Delhi EBCC (Dwarka) attended the 65th Kumsim khawmpi (Annual Convention) held from 7 – 10 December 2013 at EBCC Hiangtam Lamka. Rev Dr Richard Howell, General Secretary, EFI and Rev. Dr Ginnei Thang Ngaihte, OMF Missionary are the main speakers during the 65th EBC Annual Convention, 2013. Rev. Dr. Ngaihte mainly led the morning devotional services.
The Convention ordained 07 new Pastors. General Secretary Rev S Vung Minthang gave Annual Report using PowerPoint presentation. The General Secretary re-affirmed that EBC is a mission oriented church and highlighted various achievements during the last 10 years.
The Convention, by and large, is a business session wherein various programs, plans and policies of EBC for the coming years were discussed. Budget for 2014-15 was also tabled in the business and the members unanimously approved Rs. 15 crores.
The main speaker of the day, Rev Khamkhanchin Ngaihte occupied the pulpit and delivered sermon. Rev. Khamkhanchin Ngaihte was the former Local Pastor of EBCC Delhi (2006-2010). He is, now, on further studies on Master Course in Marriage & family Counseling in the United States. His sermon was mainly dealt with family and its importance.
Rev. Ngaihte made us cleared that the very first institution God designed for mankind was the family. Father, mother and children compose this God ordained institution. When God looked upon everything that He had made, He obviously included the family unit, and declared that it was good.
Rev. Ngaihte also reaffirmed the congregation that in this God-ordained institution, we call the family, God displays His inner relationship with Himself, and this is how the family should function.
Rev. Ngaihte also discoursed on the role of father, mother and children. Stressing the importance role of parents in a family, he read the verses, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates” Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
Worship team, then, led the congregation to sing “Ngai un Angel Tangkou La”, after which Upa Khamgoupau had a benedictory prayer to close the worship service.
May God Bless you all
By- Siampu Thomte
Media Team