Congregation Worship | August 25, 2013
Date: 25th August 2013
Time: 11AM
Giving thanks and glory to God for his grace and blessings upon His people, Pastor Nenglian read out Scripture portion from I John 3 about the great love of God that bestows the privilege of being called children of God on the believers. He then committed the congregation and the worship programme to God. The worship team led the congregation in praising and worshipping the Lord. Members from the worship team also presented Toupa ka Bangkim, a new song with the lyrics by Nu Mankhodim, a member of the team. The offering was dedicated to God by Upa Damsomthang.
Local Secretary Upa Kamsuanthang called out seven new members to be inducted into the church and Pastor prayed for the new members.
After being introduced and warmly welcomed by the Pastor, EBCC Kolkatta Pastor K. Pumsuanthang who came to Delhi to attend the Pastors Retreat on 26 & 27 August 2013 gave a brief sharing on the activities of Kolkatta EBCC. Inaugurated on 29 January 2011 by Rev. Kamchinkhup, the church has grown to 125 members with 79 being full communicant members. It is still at a growing stage. The church has set up a building sub-committee and is planning to acquire land for building a church. At present, there is no ordained Upa to assist the Pastor in ministering to the members. EBCC Headquarter had given permission for election of two Upa and the primary election is slated for September 1. He requested the congregation to pray for this and for the growth of the church and all its needs including land for the building. He ended his sharing with a quote-
God does not call us to be famous, he call us to be faithful.
Pastor conveyed the best wishes for EBCC Kolkatta and encouraged the congregation to uphold them in their prayers.
The congregation learned a Memory verse from Chapter 12:30
`And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…’
Main points in Chapter 12:
1. The Parable of the Vineyard
Jesus narrated this parable to the Chief Priests, Scribes, Elders and People who had gathered there in God’s Temple in Jerusalem. The Vineyard - God’s chosen people, Israel; Owner of the vineyard – God; the Vinedressers – Jewish leaders; Slaves - Prophets; the Son – Jesus; and Others – the Gentiles, non Jews. Jesus revealed that He is the Messiah through this parable.
2. Paying of Taxes.
The Pharisees and the Herodians, seeking to trap Jesus asked whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. At that time, the people pay two kinds of taxes – temple tax and head tax to the Roman king. Jesus’ reply `to render unto Caesar the things that belongs to Caesar and to God the things that belongs to God’ taught us that we should give back to God what He had given us, including our body and soul.
3. Resurrection.
The Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection and the after life asked Jesus whose wife a woman who had been married to seven brothers would be in heaven. Jesus replied that there is no marriage and family life in the resurrection, rather everyone would be like angels. He was talking about the glorified state in heaven.
4. The Greatest Commandment.
Jesus taught that the Love Commandment or the Command to Love – the Lord and others is the greatest commandment.
5. Christ
In Greek, Christ(Christos) means annointed. In Hebrew, Christ is known as Messiah. The Scribes knew Jesus as the son of David. Jesus proclaimed that even before David, He(the Messiah) is there.
6. Jesus revealed the true nature of the Scribes - going around in long robes, love greetings in market places, best seats in the Synagogues and the best places at feasts, devour widow’s house, long prayers.
7. The Widow’s Gift – She gave just two mites but it was her whole livelihood. The standard God use in regard to `Giving’ is whether we had given our all.
Chapter 13. The End of the Age
- The Signs of the Times and the End of the Age.
False prophets, wars, earthquakes, famines and troubles, persecution of believers, gospel preached to all nations, family members betraying one another unto death.
The Great Tribulation.
Some theologians believed that it had occurred but the EBCC believes that it will occur after rapture. During this time of great troubles and sufferings, false christs and false prophets will rise. God will shorten the period for the sake of the elect/chosen.
1. The Coming of the Son of Man.
Christ’s revelation is twofold – rapture and the second coming of Christ. In rapture, the believers are taken up to heaven. In the Second coming, the Lord will return to earth with the believers.
2. Watch and Pray
Jesus taught that the believers should be watchful and be ready at any time for His coming.
3. No One Knows the Day or Hour.
God, the Father and the Son are one. But only God knows the day or the hour. Unless the Father permits, the Son cannot exercise all the attributes of the Father.
Pastor then exhorts the congregation to escape from the Tribulation through salvation in Jesus Christ. He extends invitation to participate in the Discipleship Camp from September 26-28. He stressed that the camp is for everyone – the unsaved, back slider, those who do not have the assurance of salvation and those who want to grow spiritually. There is no registration fee but everyone is welcomed to contribute voluntarily.
Important Announcements:
- Pastoral prayer for the congregation in the next Sunday worship service on September 1 and Sharing/Report by Upa Khamgoupau on Shillong Local Missions Conference.
- Fasting Prayer Programme on 1 September at 10 AM in the basement.
- Prayer request for the Pastors Retreat organised by the Pastors Prayer Fellowship in Delhi from 26 & 27 August. Rev & Dr JM Paupu and Mrs. Lucy Dimnu are the Resource persons. The last session of the programme on Aug 27 is opened to leaders from churches and fellowships in Delhi.
- Distribution of Take Home Exam Paper on Mark 1-10. The exam paper is to be submitted latest by 08 September 2013.
Thereafter, Pastor welcomed Pu Mangchinkhup, member of ADC and Pu T. Thangzamuan, President of the All Tribal Students Union of Manipur who attended the worship service and others who had come for the first time.
The congregation then rose and sang `Heutu toh Ton Gige’ in praise of God and Upa Thangzalun from EBCC Central Delhi closed the service with a benediction.
By -Muanniang, Media Team.