Congragation Worship | November 18, 2012
The Worship service began with the Worship Team leading the congregation with hymns followed by a mass prayer with the pastor concluding with a benediction to God. Sunday offering was collected during which a beautiful gospel song was presented Lydia. Elder Tuanmuanthang led the congregation in thanking God for the offering.
Rev. L. Kham Kho Lun, General Secretary, Evangelical Baptist Church, was the speaker for this Sunday worship service. He started by reading from the following passage:
MARK 3:13-14 “And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him, whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach.”
The theme for this Sunday was “Disciples”, “Followers” of Jesus Christ. There are many instances in the Bible where we can read about the followers of Moses, John the Baptist, Pharisees and the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ. The speaker emphasized on what it takes to be a disciple/ follower of Jesus Christ.
A. Qualifications to be the follower of Jesus Christ
- 1. To be born again so that we can see the kingdom of God
- 2. A life time of never ending commitment to God not just for a few second/ hours/ days/ months /years or whenever we feel like it
- 3. To be like Jesus Christ in every way possible
B. What does Christ expect of us? Colossians 1:28 “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man perfect in Christ Jesus”.
We are expected to be in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
C. Lifestyles for the followers of Christ? John 4: 24 “God is Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
- To have a relationship with God over and above our personal and professional commitment.
- To have a family order in which God is the Head. As a saying goes “ The family that prays together stays together”
- To realize that our body is the temple of God and do away with bad habits, for example, drinking alcohol, chewing paan, tobacco etc. We should be progressive in our behavior, attitude and thoughts and not be regressive.
- Not to expect anything in return when we give offerings, contribute, give tithes but look at the reward of everlasting life as promised to us in Heaven.
After the inspirational talk by Rev. L, Kham Kho Lun, the elders of the Church collected donations from the members of the congregation for our less fortunate brethren of our various congregation. The worship service concluded with a prayer by elder Thianzakham.
The worship service made me realize how easy it is for us who are born Christians. It is convenient for us because our parents are Christians. Will we have the courage to follow Christ if we were not born Christians. Do we have it in us to be like Paul (formerly Saul who persecuted Christians but later became a loyal follower of Christ) and undergo all the trials and tribulations for being as a Christian, or will we deny the Lord like Peter to save ourselves?
By- Grace Don Nemching
Media Team