Children's Day 2013
DATE: 2 3RD June,2013
EBCC, Dwarka
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:13
What a joyous occasion ! Children’s Day!
Church Service started with Sonlal, BCD (Baptist Children’s Department) teacher welcoming the congregation with a thunderous “ZINGPHA” ( Good Morning). Nemthianmawi from senior class, BCD, read out passage from Psalm 95:1-7 and concluded with a prayer.
Praise and Worship Team along with BCD teachers led the congregation with hymns of praises. After which they led the congregation in mass prayer .Offering was collected and the offertory prayer led by Elder Thianzakham.
Sonlal, introduce the children in the BCD to the congregation : Beginner A , Beginner B, Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior.
BCD Superintendent, Thangson gave a welcome speech and a brief report about the activities of the Children’s Department. He highlighted the days when BCD had the most attendance, i.e. on April 21 when 87 children attended and the least attendance was on 9th June when 58 children attended Sunday school. The children’s department altogether has 15 teachers, 7 females and 8 males and 3 guest teachers. Altogether BCD total strength is 134. 62 Girls, 72 Males. Every month on one Sunday BCD organizes competition, another Sunday they learn gospel songs and on the rest of the Sunday’s sharing.
Special items were presented on this occasion by TBSUC, TBMC,TBDF, TBYF.
TBSUC (Tualsung Baptist Sung Upa Committee) Elder Damsawmthang , Local Chairman shared his appreciation for the BCD teachers who look after the children during the church service as well as their zeal in leading the children in the path of spiritual growth and also his appreciation for the parents who bring their children to be a part of Sunday school .
TBMC(Tualsung Baptist Mission’s Committee) recited Ephesians 6: 1-3 and presented a beautiful bible action song on the theme.
TBDF (TUALSUNG Baptist Dorka Fellowship) presented a special number form hymn book no: 274.
The pastor read out passage from the bible and prayed to commemorate the BCD Day .After which BCD teachers rendered a soul stirring special number.
TBYF (Tualsung Baptist Youth Fellowship) presented a heart rendering drama. The drama depicted how in the stage of every person’s life God wants to enter our heart, however we are so immersed in our wordly life that we don’t give time. The message was that we should allow God to enter our heart so that we repent for our sins and enter the kingdom of Heaven.
The pastor started his sermon with the story of Elkanah and his wife Hannah who was barren. Hannah prayed to God for a son and promised to give him up to the Lord for all the days of his life. The Lord answered her prayer and a son born to her. She named him Samuel, saying, “ Because I asked the Lord for him.” Hannah did what she promised to God, she dedicated her son to the Lord to live in the house of the Lord for the rest of his life. Samuel served the Lord with dedication, obedience and sincerity.
The pastor emphasized four points from the story of Samuel.
1.Obedience to God, parents and teachers.
Samuel obeyed God, his commandments, his teacher ELI and his parents.
2. Being always available for God
Samuel was always available to serve the Lord.
3. Sincerity
Samuel was sincere, faithful in serving the Lord.
4. Praying for all.
Samuel prayed for his people the “Israelites” to save them and God answered his prayer and saved the Israelites from the Philistines.
Like Samuel we should be obedient to our elders, parents, teachers, make our self available to God, serve him with outmost sincerity and always prayer with all our hearts not only for our self but for others too.
The church service concluded with a closing prayer by Elder Damsawmthang.
Grace Don Nemching