BCD Graduation Day 2013

7 December, 2013


1 December, 2013

FIRST SESSION (11 am onwards)

Justine Luaithang opened the First Session with scripture reading of Philippians 3:15-20 and prayer

Praise with ‘Zing Ninou Hongsuah Chiang’, ‘Nang Na Lian Hi’, ‘10000 Reasons’ and Mass Prayer for the 7 guys who are leaving the Children Department followed in succession.

BCD Superintendant L/Upa Thangson introduced Lianding Guite, Child Coordinator, who came to Delhi for the occasion, and the fresh graduates for whom the event was organized -

1.       Bliss Ningnem d/o N. Langel was born in Delhi on the 12 September, 1995, attended BCD, Delhi right from Beginner Class, accepted Christ as Lord and Savior on 25 October, 2008 and received baptism, does English Honors in Hindu College, wants to make her parents happy.

2.       Niangthianching d/o H. Liansangmuan was born in 20 October, 1995, joined BCD Delhi in 2013 in Senior Class, accepted Christ as Lord and Savior on 28 June, 2013 and received baptism, takes interest in singing and sketching, presently doing BBA in Softdot, New Delhi and wants to become a successful business woman.

3.       H. Nemthianmoi d/o H. Thangsiam was born in 1 December, 1995, Joined BCD Delhi in the year 2010 in Junior Class, recipient of SSPP Meritorious Award in 2011, takes interest in badminton, singing, drawing and reading, does BSc (Hons) in Botany in Deshbandu College, and wants to become a doctor.

4.       Langsangmuan s/o B. Ginkhanmang was born in 24 June, 1995, attended BCD Delhi right from Beginner Class, accepted Christ as Lord and Savior on 28 November 2010 and received baptism, has a matured mind and loves listening to music (in fact he is gifted in music) and reading, does class XII in St. Columbus and wants to become an architect.

5.       K. Lalthang s/o K. Nenghoumang joined BCD Delhi in Senior Class in 2013, accepted Christ as Lord and Savior on 23 April, 2007, has a good academic record, had received awards in the areas of Debate, Essay Writing and Speech Competition, which are his hobbies, does English (Hons) in PGDAV College and wants to become a successful journalist.

6.       Manglianthang Tonsing s/o Capt Lalsuonglien, attended BCD since 2008 whence he joined Senior Class, has a pleasing personality adored by friends, is good at drawing, sketching and painting, spends his leisure reading, does FYBA in St Xavier College, Mumbai and wants to become a well known personality and a blessing to many people.

7.       Lianthiansiam s/o (L) Ginpi, joined BCD, Delhi in 2004 in Primary Class, has bagged Sunday School Honors Certificate, accepted Christ as Lord and Savior on 15 November, 2008 and received baptism, is well behaved among friends, has a gift in music, drawing, music and gaming are his hobbies, wants to become a good animator, studies in Hope Hall Foundation.

The Superintendant handed over the list of graduates to Chairman Tualsung Baptist Saptuam Upa Committee (TBSUC) who, in turn gave a brief outline on what it means to become a responsible adult.

Pastor V. Nenglian prayed for them.

A melodious counseling from BCD Teachers to keep on the ‘Suny Side’ of life followed. In the same medium Beginner Class also expressed their desire to see their seniors ‘Happy All the Time’.

Worship in offering was dedicated by Upa T. Kaithang.

Upa Thiankhanmuan, Assistant Secretary to the TBSUC announced the (i) invitation to the Church made by Mangcha Phaltual, Mission Board Chairman of EOC at the betrothal ceremony of his daughter Miss Unity Phaltual at 2.30 pm on 7 December, 2013 at Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar; (ii) the marriage of Mr Phunggoutan s/o Upa Damsawmthang to be solemnized on 21 December, 2013 with Zamthianhoih d/o Thangkim Samte  at EBCC Vengnuam, New Lamka; and (iii) result of election for Tualsung Baptist Missions Committee (TBMC) and TB Dorcas Committee held on 17 November, 2013.

Lianding Guite reminded the congregation about the need to remain steadfast spiritually with his ‘Zesu a om’.

The Pastor had conducted counseling with the graduates the day before with a sumptuous finishing in KFC.

The 14 Sunday School (SS) teachers who facilitated the moment after painstaking teaching and mentoring were commended with a round of applause. The SS also has 3 guest lecturers, 2 from TBSUC and one from BYF (specifically assigned to teach tonic solfa once a month). A crusade was held for the children last year. Volunteers are called upon to enlist for SS Teaching work for the year 2014.

Then the Pastor welcomed the first timers.

An appropriately chosen topic of ‘Life Management’ requires of a person to (i) set priorities and (ii) implement goals, two of which always follow in that order.

The first priority is seeking the Kingdom of God, which will of course precede ‘all these thing’ in life. (Matt 6:13)

To Dr. Stroebel, an atheist the theory of creation had been nothing but a joke. But as he studied the scientific way in which life have come in to being, he was stuck with a question: who created atom? He had no answer. The result: he turned a Christian.

It’s one thing in life that matters. Jesus told Martha, “Only one thing is important” (Luke 10:41). Similarly the rich bachelor was told that in spite of his worldly possession, he still lacked one thing (Luke 10:21). In the same vein the Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians that he did only one thing (Philippians 3:13)

The Pastor closed the first session in prayer. That was followed by lunch break.


SECOND SESSION (1.30 pm onwards)

After a heartwarming session of praise and worship with live music accompaniment, ‘Conductor for the second session, Mr Nicky Ginlallian called upon the main speaker.

Lianding Guite is married to Zahminglian and is blessed with a son, Minglalven.

Having read Matthew 6:33, Guite laid down a more detailed sequence of ‘to do’ list:  God-Family-Work.

He threw a question to the worshippers: How do you read the Bible, with doubt or with faith?

Life is breathed into a clay figure which became man as a result thereof.

Then there was another question: Is there life after death? For it is appointed unto men to die and face judgment thereafter (Hebrews 9:27)

It’s not only Stroebels efforts, all labour, watchfullnesses or ingenuity are bound to go in vain except under the guidance of the Lord, who gives sleep to His beloved.( Psalms 127:1-2). No wonder Moses refused to leave unless God would go with him. What Solomon, the wisest man on earth did was to love the Lord ( 1 Kings 3:3). Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. All man has to do is abide in Him (St John 14:6; 15:4). For He and only He can give one ‘rest’ (Matthew 11:28).

There is a classic example of curse as a result of disrespect of holy places. King Uziah was stuck with leprosy for having stepped temple protocol. In Joshua Achan was hiding expensive materials found in the place over run by the Israelites. Even King Saul was fascinated at the sight of livestock belonging to the enemy. But the Lord said, “Obedience is better than sacrifice”( Samuel 15 King).

The Israelites bumped upon a well of bitter water in the desert (Exodus 15). King Belshazzer was stuck with mental tension at the time of holding a grand feast (Daniel 5). There was bloodshed in David’s household (Samuel). During the time of Peter Anania and his wife Sapphira hid a piece of the sale proceeds of their property, which they were not supposed to ( Acts 5). That’s an invitation to God’s wrath.

To keep God as the first priority in life is-

Blessing for Abraham; Safety for Noah; health and freedom for Daniel and his 3 friends; a good way to build up one’s career for Joseph; success for Phrophet Nehemiah; peace even with enemy for Saint Paul

So why would a man betray God who has so much in store for man ? (Jeremiah 29:11)

Who is God??

The foundation of the earth (Hebrews 1:10)

God is big and powerful while man is tiny and helpless. How much time do you dedicate for God?

Before one’s mortal body comes to an end one must acknowledge the indispensability of God and be able to say, ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet’ (Ps 119:105)

There are three kinds of people:-

(i)                  Those who say ‘I’ before being born again;

(ii)                Those who say ‘I’ even after ; and

(iii)               Those who say ‘Christ’ after being born again

For the last category, there is a promise: Blessed is everyone that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways (Psalms 128:1)

Thereafter praise continued with –

‘I love You Lord’ (Primary); Prince of Pease (Junior)

The graduates are given the honor of addressing the congregation to same something about their experience or expectations.


Ms Bliss Ningnem requested the Church to pray for her in her endeavors to stick to God amid the racist taunts and all the trials and tribulations in life ahead of her.

And praise resumed with-

Here I am to Worship (Ms Chingthianhoih); Jesus loves me this I know (Ms Manhoihching)


Mr Lianthiansiam gave thanks to SS teachers for all the things they do for him. He enjoyed classes on tonic solfa and was excited to be in BYF.

Praise continued with-

This is my desire-musical (Primary); Ka Hinna Aw Toupa Phat in- Praise The Lord My Life (Ankang Band);


Ms Nemthianmoi said that she’d miss SS, the teachers and their creativity. She was moved by Superintendant’s line that there are good marks, bad marks and failures which are not as important as keeping the lessons learnt therein in life.

Praise continued with-

10000 Reasons (Intermediate); Halleluijah (Sangi, Julie and Biaksang)


Mr Liansangmuan thanked the teachers for all that they taught and wished that God would reward them many fold and the ability to continue the service. He asked the Church to pray for him.

Praise continued with-

Medley (Senior); and Above All (Ms Sarah)


Mr K. Lalthang expressed his amazement over speed with which time passes, thanked the teachers and Pastor and requested he be remembered in prayer as he strives to become a journalist.

Praise continued with-

Thildang Tampi te Sang Hong It zaw I Toupan (Sangi and her baby sister); and All Around Me (Muanching).


Ms Niangthianching spent a little time and learnt a lot in Delhi, thanked her teachers at home and in Delhi and made a prayer request for her future.

Praise continued with-

I Believe (Sangkim & Ngaimuan)

Due to paucity of time, prize distribution was postponed for the next Sunday.

In giving Vote of Thanks, Sianmang acclaimed the contributions of –(i) Richard Khuptong for having sponsored and designed the banners and brochures for the occasion; (ii) Padded Cell for generously lending musical instruments; and Muanlal and Paulalsiam for playing the music for the praise and worship.  On his request the Superintendant, L/Upa Thangson presented a memento to the main speaker Mr. Lianding Guite.

The worshippers were blessed with benediction from Upa Chinsum.


By: Lianpu Tonsing
Media Team

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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