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Children's Day 2012

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“….. not one of these little ones should perish.” (Mathew 18:14)

The Congregation was led by Heutupa Sonlal Mangte with a warm greetings of ZINGPHA as loud as it can be followed by scripture reading by Miss Bliss Ningnem.

Singspiration led by Worship Team of the Church and BCD Teachers.  All present in the congregation have a good time praising the Lord to the fullest with songs like Every move I make, Superhero etc.  Hosanna …..look into your eyes……look at yourself……give thanks to the Lord……thank you Lord…..thank you for everything.

BCD Assistant Superintendent, Mrs Zothanpui reports there are around 100 children enrolled under BCD Dwarka, Delhi out of which 50/60 attended weekly Sunday School conducted by BCD.  She emphasised how nice and how good it feel to be a part of BCD with innocent kids imparting guidance according to God’s Will.  She said there were only 10 teachers to guide these 50/60 children.  She pleads to the youths to volunteer to serve God by making themselves available to guide the children according to God’s Will.

Kids of all age groups from BCD presenting the Lord’s worship song…..what a sight….how content and happy we are seeing them praise the Lord….thank you Lord for giving us these beautiful kids and teachers to guide your children according to your Will.

Living Message by Rev Nenglian.

Praise be given to the Lord for blessing us with this day where we can celebrate Children’s Day.  The speaker confirms that he is content with the way that children were being brought up according to the Lord’s Will.

“…..let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of God……whosoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Mark 10:14-15)

There is a GAP between the children and the adults……the scripture tells us not to forget the GAP as the Kingdom of God can only be attained as a little child.

The preaching is based on CHRIST DISCIPLESHIP.  An example has been taken from an US Submarine Captain who bosses off as the captain of a very large and powerful submarine.  He tells every other submarines which comes its way to make way for his submarine to pass.  He keeps on giving orders to other submarines to move away from its way then he saw a light from a distance and he gave orders not to put the light on their direction and to move away from their path, no reply, he again gave an order the same thing happened, no reply, at last he ordered and said “this is your last warning move out of the way or we will blow you down with a rocket” then came a reply “this is not a ship this is a power house”.  The captain on hearing this said oh sorry and steered the submarine away to the right.

Likewise we cannot command God, we have to follow God, we cannot move God instead we have to move according to His Will.

How can we be a good disciple of God???

  1. Worship God

    “…the Devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain……he said to Him, All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.  Then Jesus said to him, away with you, Satan, for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only You shall serve.”  (Matthew 4:8-11)

    We should worship God with all our hearts, soul and mind.  We should not worship Him just for the sake of worship.  (Matthew 22:37)  Corporate Worship is one such type of worship which we should follow.  Next is Expressive Worship wherein you express out what is inside you like say HALLELUIAH, AMEN out aloud to praise the Lord our God.

  2. Serving God

    We can find examples from Daniel and Samson.

    Daniel – How Daniel serves God, he is nobody.  God keeps him as a slave in Babylon with a purpose.  There he serves God as much as he can by doing what God said to do and not doing what God forbids him from doing in this way God is glorified through him.  Like Daniel we should always put God in the first place and other things second so that people can see God through us.

    Samson – He was blessed with extraordinary powers.  He was forbidden to cut his hair to serve a purpose, but he did not serve God’s purpose and used his power in his own way to please himself.  Alas he becomes nothing and was made blind.

God cannot be moved rather we have to let Him move our life.  With this note the Speaker ended his living message.

Singspiration led by Worship Team and BCD Teachers followed by Benediction by Upa Damsawmthang.

By Mary C Hangzo, Media Team

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